Sunday, 24 July 2011

A busy weekend

Yesterday I went to a Garden Fete, held to raise money for our local church. I met lots of people and children, and watched them playing games like racing pigs and skittle ball. I would have liked a job retrieving the skittle balls!

Today I went to training class again. We did the same things as last week, but then, instead of just watching I did some extra stuff. I went inside the big hut with Dad and a young black labrador and her Dad. We were allowed off our leads inside to play - great fun! Then we went outside again on our leads and did some walking and sitting!

After coffee break (that's coffee for Mum & Dad, water for me!) I did some retrieves for Mum and then had a run around with Fergus. Then I watched Fergus and some of the other dogs do the agility course - that looks great fun, but apparently I can't have a go at that until I am bigger and older.

After a final rush around with the English Springers it was time to head home to a shady spot in the garden....

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