Thursday, 14 July 2011

My first holiday

I have just returned home from my first trip away in the caravan - and what a FANTASTIC time I had! We went to the National Forest, a super place for dogs. The campsite seemed HUGE, and I was a little over-awed when we first arrived, but I soon settled down and made lots of new friends.

In no particular order the best bits were:

  • Aunty Sandra's homemade treats (YUMMY!)
  • Meeting my Welshie 'cousins' Murphy, Merlin, Milly and Plover for the first time
  • Meeting Uncle Michael, Aunty Sue and Aunty Elspeth for the first time
  • Playing with Berwick and Linnet (my brother and sister)
  • Going to the pub for lunch (apparently it is very important that gundogs learn to do this!)

Uncle Michael took the following photos of me......

Saying hello to Merlin

Showing everyone how to retrieve

Being ambushed by Linnet (L) and Berwick (R)

Cooling off in the shade

I can't wait until we go away again! I wonder when it will be and where????


  1. Hi Dougal, I'm glad you enjoyed your holiday. All of the treats Sandra made for the weekend have gone and she says we can't have any more for a couple of weeks! If we meet up with you again perhaps she will make some more - when are you free????

  2. Murphy, I can be round at your house in 1 hour!
