Sunday, 23 October 2011

A Grand Day Out

On Friday Mum took Duggie and me out for the day. First we went to Newark where we met Aunty Sandra. We went for a walk around the town and castle. It was market day so it was quite busy, but I am pleased to report there is a pet stall on the market run by a very nice man who gave Duggie and me a piece of Schmacko each!

This is me on the castle ramparts

After our walk round Newark we went to Aunty Sandra's house to see Murphy and Merlin (and Uncle Michael too!) It was great to see them again and Merlin and I had a big play in the garden. 

Practicing our dog ballet moves

Then, after lunch we all went for a lovely walk around the fields. As this was somewhere I hadn't been before there were lots of exciting new sights and smells to explore. Merlin said he would take me for a longer walk around the fields another day, I will really look forward to that.

Back home there was just time for tea and then a BIG sleep. Mum said I did a lot of dreaming, but I was just re-living a grand day out!

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