Sunday, 30 October 2011

What a day!

When I woke up on Saturday morning I could never have guessed what an exciting day I was in for! As usual we all went to a shoot for the day. I really enjoy the shoots, I get to say hello to everyone and play with some of the other dogs, but when they go off to work, I get to have a nice cosy sleep in the car.

It seemed like just a normal shoot day, I 'socialised' before the start, at elevenses, and at lunchtime, but near the end of the day Mum came to get me and said I could sit on my first drive. How exciting is that when you're just 6 months old!!!

It seemed an age before the drive started so I just mooched about, but as soon as I heard the beaters start the drive, I thought I'd better copy Fergus. Fergus had been sitting still watching the wood the beaters were coming through for ages, so this is what I did too! There were some shots fired, but alas nothing for Fergus to retrieve. Fergus told me afterwards that he doesn't really like that drive as there is very rarely anything for him to retrieve, and this is probably why I was allowed to help. What a cheek! but I really enjoyed it anyway, I felt VERY grown up.

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