Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Cakes and treats!

Yesterday afternoon Aunty Sandra brought Murphy and Merlin round to play. She also brought some yummy cakes for Mum and Dad and some even yummier treats for Duggie, Fergus, Max and me!

Normally we all play in the garden and then have a drink and rest in the kitchen but yesterday was different. We still don't have a kitchen and yesterday we didn't have a caravan either. The electrics had gone in the caravan and Dad had to take it to the dealers to be repaired. So, we all played in the field, had a drink in the field too and then had a rest in the car.

Merlin and I also did some 'work' together. We practised sitting, staying, recalls, walking to heel and I also did some retrieves. Normally Merlin and I just play together, I'm not sure what we were practising these things for but Mum said I will find out on Saturday!

Saturday, 18 February 2012

What a difference a week makes

Last Saturday I went to my first ever gundog training class. It was a memorable occasion - it was minus 13C and the ground was covered in snow. I went again today and it was plus 10C. Mum tells me that's a rise of 23 degrees in a week!

Last week I was quite shy and quiet at class. Of the 9 dogs there I only knew one, a labrador called Zac. Today I was a lot happier. The trainer said I had a lot more life about me! (Mum said I was just my usual 'handful')

After a short play with the other dogs we all walked to heel and did some sits. We then did a sit whilst our Mum's and Dad's walked away, but only Zac and I knew how to do this. Next we all did some retrieves and then some hunting. I had to sit part way through my hunting whilst Zac did a retrieve, then I got to carry on hunting. I really enjoyed myself and am looking forward to going again.

The other good news is 'things' have started to appear in the kitchen again. Three quarters of the floor is now covered in new tiles, and new cupboards keep appearing. There seem to be more cupboards every day and far more than we used to have but at least our old cupboards had shelves and doors, the new cupboards don't seem to have either. I'm also worried about the lights, a man took those away and has just left wires hanging from the ceiling. There's still no sign of the sink, fridge or cooker and we are all still having our meals in the caravan.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

It's all gone!!

Our kitchen has totally disappeared!! A man came round on Monday and completely emptied it - he even took the floor tiles away. All that was left was the boiler and radiator. Fergus and I had a good sniff round but we couldn't find anything else.

Our crates were put in the lounge for us to sleep in at night but I wasn't happy with this at all. I voiced my unhappiness in rather loud howls and eventually Dad came and moved our crates back into the empty kitchen. I was happy then and went straight to sleep!

Normally we have our breakfast and dinner in the kitchen but since Monday we have been eating in the caravan. This is very strange as the caravan is still at home, normally we only eat in the caravan when we have gone away on an adventure.

I'll keep you posted with what happens next, I hope nothing else disappears!

Friday, 10 February 2012

Strange happenings....

I am not sure what is going on but Mum has spent most of the last few days moving things from the kitchen into the conservatory. The kitchen is nearly empty now but thankfully our crates are still by the radiator!

Even stranger, lots and lots of boxes have been delivered this afternoon. They have all been put in the dining room and we have not even been allowed to go and sniff them to smell what's inside.

Fergus and I weren't even allowed to help the delivery men!

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Who stole our garden?

When I woke up this morning I thought someone had stolen our garden. There was snow everywhere and no garden to be seen. Fergus and I investigated, and thankfully we could smell the garden underneath the snow.

It's there somewhere!

So then we decided to have a good roll around

And after a good roll around with Fergus, I had a good roll around with Max too!

Monday, 30 January 2012

Back to school

Yesterday I went to my KCGC dog training class. We have been so busy going to shoots recently that I haven't been to class since October. It was great to see everyone again and you will never believe this....... but after our initial walk with all the dogs together, we were split into 2 groups and I was put in the advanced group!

First we practised retrieving over one of the agility jumps. This was the first time Mum has let me do jumping and I loved it. Then we practised a jump with a sit at the other side. This was really easy! After that it was a recall over two jumps. To finish we practised a long sit and stay and the Mum's of all the other dogs disappeared for a short while. I'm pleased to say my Mum didn't disappear, she thought that would be a bit too advanced for me and she's right as I would have followed her. None of the other dogs followed their Mum's though but I am pleased to say they all came back!

Friday, 27 January 2012


Yesterday I was listening to Mum talking on the phone. She was arranging to go to a beginner's gundog class. I wonder who she could be taking? I do hope it's me!

When the person Mum was talking to asked what breed of dog she would be taking Mum definitely said a Welsh Springer Spaniel!

Unfortunately, the person then said "Oh it's you!"  Goodness, Mum must have quite a reputation - or perhaps it's us Welshies!

Thursday, 26 January 2012

A busy few days

I have lots to tell you about the last few days.

On Tuesday my best friend (and half brother) Merlin came round to play. He came with his brother Murphy and their Mum, my Aunty Sandra. It wasn't a very nice day, it was cold and damp, but that didn't stop Merlin and me playing in the garden, and getting VERY wet and muddy in the process!

Yesterday we went to a shoot we hadn't been to before so there were lots of new people and dogs to meet. After Mum and Dad, the next best person there was one of the guns - he has 3 working Welshies!! Unfortunately, he didn't have them with him, so I couldn't say hello. His Welshies were at home in Cambridgeshire where he is Head Gamekeeper on a big Estate. He has worked and bred Welshies since 1975 and has been so pleased with them he has never had any reason to try any other breed of dog.

Today I have been out training with Max and Mum. We went to a new place I hadn't been before. Max did his training first, then it was my turn. I practised my hunting, retrieving, stop whistle, walking to heel, sitting, staying and recall. Mum says I have to work hard if I want to join Fergus working next season, but I love training, so I don't mind at all.

I have saved my best news until last. My friend Rufus (who works with his brother Jasper and their Dad my Uncle David) hasn't been very well recently and we have all been very concerned about him. I heard yesterday that he is now feeling much better, he is back to being a true Welshie - stealing things and bossing his ESS brother around! We are keeping all our paws crossed that he remains fit and well and can resume his work in the beating line next season.

Rufus in action last year training

Monday, 23 January 2012

Only 3 days left

Fergus has told me he only has 3 more shoot days left to work and then he can put his paws up until October. I will miss going to the shoots, I really enjoy meeting everyone and 'helping' Fergus when I am allowed. On Saturday I got to go out on the last drive of the day and this included riding in a trailer with the beaters which was very exciting!

Fergus had been asked to help the beaters, his job was to hunt a hedge and flush any birds he found. I didn't think he was going to find any but right at the end he found one and it flew up in the sky and over the guns. I'm not sure why Fergus didn't chase after the bird, I would have done, perhaps he was tired!

Monday, 16 January 2012

9 months old

Today I am 9 months old and to celebrate I went out with Mum to practice my hunting.

I'm sure I can smell a tennis ball

Ah, there it is, right on the end of my nose!

I'd better take it back to Mum (she's ALWAYS losing them!)

Feeling very pleased with myself afterwards!

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

A quiet start to the year

After a very busy end to last year I have had a fairly quiet start to 2012.

I have been to 3 shoots where I have enjoyed socialising with everyone - both dogs and humans. I have been doing training with Mum and I now know how to do a Memory Retrieve - Mum is very pleased about this. I have also learned how to get upstairs and jump on the bed - Mum is NOT very pleased about this!

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Happy New Year

I would like to wish everyone good health and happiness for the New Year. I hope you enjoyed sharing my adventures last year, here's to LOTS more in 2012.

Seeing in the New Year from the best spot in the house!