Monday, 23 January 2012

Only 3 days left

Fergus has told me he only has 3 more shoot days left to work and then he can put his paws up until October. I will miss going to the shoots, I really enjoy meeting everyone and 'helping' Fergus when I am allowed. On Saturday I got to go out on the last drive of the day and this included riding in a trailer with the beaters which was very exciting!

Fergus had been asked to help the beaters, his job was to hunt a hedge and flush any birds he found. I didn't think he was going to find any but right at the end he found one and it flew up in the sky and over the guns. I'm not sure why Fergus didn't chase after the bird, I would have done, perhaps he was tired!


  1. It has been fun to read about Dougal's adventures, and to learn a bit more about how bird hunting in Great Britain differs from hunting here in the middle of the US. On either side of the ocean, flushing a bird is wonderful Welshie fun!

  2. Thank you ever so much for getting in touch, I am really pleased you are enjoying my blog. I can't wait for October to come round when our pheasant season starts again. Mum says if I do well in my training between now and then I will be able to start work for real!
