Thursday, 26 January 2012

A busy few days

I have lots to tell you about the last few days.

On Tuesday my best friend (and half brother) Merlin came round to play. He came with his brother Murphy and their Mum, my Aunty Sandra. It wasn't a very nice day, it was cold and damp, but that didn't stop Merlin and me playing in the garden, and getting VERY wet and muddy in the process!

Yesterday we went to a shoot we hadn't been to before so there were lots of new people and dogs to meet. After Mum and Dad, the next best person there was one of the guns - he has 3 working Welshies!! Unfortunately, he didn't have them with him, so I couldn't say hello. His Welshies were at home in Cambridgeshire where he is Head Gamekeeper on a big Estate. He has worked and bred Welshies since 1975 and has been so pleased with them he has never had any reason to try any other breed of dog.

Today I have been out training with Max and Mum. We went to a new place I hadn't been before. Max did his training first, then it was my turn. I practised my hunting, retrieving, stop whistle, walking to heel, sitting, staying and recall. Mum says I have to work hard if I want to join Fergus working next season, but I love training, so I don't mind at all.

I have saved my best news until last. My friend Rufus (who works with his brother Jasper and their Dad my Uncle David) hasn't been very well recently and we have all been very concerned about him. I heard yesterday that he is now feeling much better, he is back to being a true Welshie - stealing things and bossing his ESS brother around! We are keeping all our paws crossed that he remains fit and well and can resume his work in the beating line next season.

Rufus in action last year training

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